The effects of homelessness don’t stop with the men, women, and children living on the streets—it is a crisis that affects our whole community, and it is through our community that we can change it.
Thank you to everyone who joined us at this year’s event as we shared the reality of homelessness in Marion and Polk counties.
Our Story is Your Story
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Why do we Stop for the One?
Stop for the One is a practice following the teachings of Jesus Christ, and we do this in obedience to His command for us to reach out to those in need.
“If the Law says you must love your God with all your heart, soul, and strength and you must love your neighbor as yourself—then who is your neighbor?” Jesus answers this question through the parable of the Good Samaritan, demonstrating that every person is loved by God and is therefore our “neighbor,” and it is these people who we must serve. We must stop for them—bandage their wounds, bring them to safety, and care for them like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
Jesus doesn’t only tell us to Stop for the One though—He also shows us. When on his way to heal the daughter of a synagogue leader, a woman had reached out to touch his cloak and was healed immediately. At that moment, Jesus stopped. Though she had already been healed, Jesus stopped to connect with her personally rather than just meeting her needs and letting her be on her way (Matthew 9:20-24).
There are many more stories where Jesus stopped for the one throughout his ministries—from giving sight to the blind to casting out demons—Jesus always stopped for the one who needed him, and it is through that one that lives were changed and the kingdom of God was expanded.
This is why we Stop for the One.
Apostolic Christian Church
Huggins Insurance