Join the Movement

Your Support Changes Lives in Our Community.

Since 1953, we’ve been fueled by the generosity of our community who have a heart for the weary. Every gift, prayer, and volunteer makes a profound difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, we can change the face of homelessness in our community.


Your giving helps homeless and hurting neighbors in the greater Salem area build lives that are redeemed and restored in Jesus on the path from lost to found:


Have a passion? We have a role for you. From serving meals, leading chapel, or doing arts and crafts with the children at Simonka Place.

Monthly Giving

Help hurting neighbors each and every day through your generous giving. Become a Life Change Partner today and become the bedrock of change in our community.

Donate Goods

Do you have items you’re looking to donate? Our Donation Center fuels life change in Salem and Keizer.

Planned giving, get involved overview, volunteer UGM,

Planned Giving

Create a lasting legacy for years to come in our community. From bequests to gift annuities, we would love to start a conversation with you about these options.

Urgent Needs

Donate to our immediate needs list, powered by Amazon.

Tour the Mission

We would love to show you around your Union Gospel Mission of Salem. Tours happen each Friday.