Passion Partners
"If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be."
Deuteronomy 15:7-8
Ways Your Church Can Help Our Homeless Neighbors
Prayer holds immense power, especially when done collectively. In Matthew 18:19-20, it's highlighted that when two or more agree in their requests, it will be granted. We urge you to begin by praying for those who come to the Mission—homeless individuals, volunteers, and staff. Request the Lord's transformative impact.
Deepen your understanding of local homelessness. Learn about its causes and how we are making a difference. If you would like any print materials to hand out at your church, you can make a request any time by emailing our marketing team at ce@ugmsalem.org. You can also take a tour of these locations to witness the community outreach firsthand. Check the Schedule a Tour page for more on tours.
Witness firsthand the profound changes in individuals' lives and hear compelling testimonies of God's work within our community by attending a New Life Fellowship graduation ceremony. Deepen your connection with our organization by engaging with real-life stories of redemption and growth.
Our commitment to homeless individuals starts with food and shelter. With support from our compassionate community, we offer safe shelter across four locations. The necessity for sustenance remains constant as clients rebuild their lives through our programs, faith, and rest. Food drives are impactful, supplying crucial meals. Deliver contributions to 777 Commercial Street N. in Salem or 5119 River Road N. in Keizer, our women's shelter.
Request a speaker from UGM to speak at your church or small group! Through our Speaker's Bureau, you can customize a mission service to fit the needs of your specific church by letting us know potential dates, time constraints, topics you would like presented at the service, and more.
Check out our Speaker's Bureau to learn more.
Become a church partner by taking in UGM as a local missionary with a “Missionary in Your Backyard” initiative. Take an offering during your service to support the Mission!
Our facilities owe their functioning to dedicated volunteers who deeply care about our mission. We constantly seek more individuals to join us. Whether you assist in warehouse organization weekly or serve meals in the dining room, your efforts are valued and vital to the Mission's success. You can enlist individually or as a group for a service day via our Take Action page.